(860)655-6897 | [email protected]

Don Poland Consulting

A Rational Approach to Land Use Planning and Neighborhood Investment

Providing Innovative Community Planning and Urban Geography Strategies

Urban Geography and Planning Lecturer

Mr. Poland is a part-time member of faculty in the Department of Geography at Central Connecticut State University. His teaching assignments include: Introduction to Geography (Geog. 110), Human Geography (Geog. 220), Introduction to Planning (Geog. 241), Urban Geography (Geog. 439), Rural Land Use Planning (Geog. 440), Environmental Planning (Geog. 445), and Design of Cities (Geog. 483 & 514). His research interests include: the remaking of urban space, the reimagining of urban theory and urban space, new forms of urban culture and lifestyle, suburban histories, utopian planning and theory, and popular culture.

Central Connecticut State University - Department of Geography

Mr. Poland teaches Introduction to Planning.

  • Geography 220 Human Geography

    A survey of the world's peoples and their culture. Topics studied may include population, religion, language, settlement, architecture, land tenure, ideologies, social problems, behavior, resource utilization and environmental change.

  • Geography 241 Introduction to Planning

    Introduction to the principles and practice of planning at various spatial scales -- regional, metropolitan, urban and neighborhood.

  • Geography 439 Urban Geography

    Form, function, and evolution of urban settlements with reference to attributes of place. Emphasis also placed on internal structure and regional relationships of cities. Provides a methodological basis for thought involving the planning process, including preservation planning, and systems analysis.

  • Geography 440 Rural Land Use Planning

    Land use patterns & the planning process in agriculture, transportation, recreation, industry, population and settlement in rural areas. Case studies and field work emphasizing the impact of urbanization of rural Connecticut.

  • Geography 445 Environmental Planning

    Examines the environmental impacts of land development and natural constraints on planning and public policy decision-making. Case studies and field work will emphasize aspects of environmental planning in the Greater Hartford region.

  • Geography 483 & 514 (Seminar) Design of Cities

    The seminar explores the design of cities from a spatial, architectural, planning, and emergent perspective.

Manchester Community College - Department of Social Science, Geography

Donald Poland has been teaching Introduction to Geography at MCC since spring semester 2006 and started teaching Urban Geography spring semester 2009.

  • Geography 101: Introduction to Geography

    This course introduces some of the many topics geographers examine to explain the relationship between people and place. Topics include the physical earth, i.e. how mountains and lakes form, cultural patterns such as how languages in neighboring countries are related, population analysis, like human migration trends, and economic analysis including growth and decline of regions. Geographic factors that underlie current political, social and economic problems will also be explored.

  • Geography 201: Urban Geography

    The history, nature and function of urban settlements are considered, with attention to geographic problems of urban areas. Introduction to practical problems, using census data, interpretation of aerial photographs, G.I.S. and map construction.

University of Connecticut – Department of Geography

Saint Josephs College - Department of Social Sciences

Mr. Poland previously taught World Regional Geography at Saint Josephs College in West Hartford.

  • Geography 120: World Regional Geography

    This course provides the student with a survey of the lands, peoples, and places in the world's major cultural regions. Students explore the interaction between the physical environment and cultural, political and economic conditions in regions such as South and Central America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This course provides a background for understanding world events.

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